- These conditions shall apply to all advertisements accepted for publication. Any other proposed conditions or variations shall be void unless incorporated clearly in written instructions and specifically accepted by the Publisher.
- All advertisements are accepted subject to the Publisher’s approval of the copy and to the space being available.
- The Publisher reserves the right to omit or suspend an advertisement at any time for any reason at the discretion of the Publisher only, in which case no claim on the part of any Advertiser for damages or breach of contract shall arise. Should any such omission or suspension be due to the act omission or default of the Advertiser or their servants or agents, then the space reserved for the advertisement shall be paid for in full notwithstanding that the advertisement has not appeared.
- If the Publisher considers it necessary to modify the space or alter the date or position of insertion or make any other alteration the Advertiser will have the right to cancel if the alterations requested are unacceptable unless such changes are due to an emergency or circumstances beyond the Publisher’s control. Every care is taken to avoid mistakes but the Publisher does not accept liability for any errors due to Third Parties, subcontractors or inaccurate copy instructions.
- The Advertiser warrants that the advertisement does not contravene any Act of Parliament nor is it in any other way illegal or defamatory or an infringement of any other party’s rights including but not limited to copyright or trademark or an infringement of the British Code of Advertising Practice.
- The Advertiser will indemnify the Publisher fully in respect of any claim including costs, damages, expenses or other liabilities made against the Publisher arising from the advertisement.
- If an Advertiser cancels the balance of the contract except in the circumstances set out in clause 4 above he relinquishes any right to that series discount to which he was entitled previously and advertisements will be charged and paid for at the appropriate rate. In addition, the Advertiser will indemnify the Publisher for any loss arising out of such cancellation.
- Series discounts apply only to orders placed in advance and completed within one year of date of first insertion. The Publisher reserves the right to surcharge in the event of insertions not being completed within the contractual period.
- Credit accounts are strictly net and payment must be received within four weeks following date of invoice. Interest will be payable on all amounts still outstanding after that date at one per cent over Bank of England minimum lending rate or its equivalent, to be calculated on a monthly basis.
- Charges will be made to the Advertiser or his agent where printers are involved in extra production work owing to acts or omissions or default of the Advertiser or his agent. These charges will be at the rates agreed prior to publication. Complaints regarding reproduction of advertisements must be received in writing within one calendar month of the cover date. If not received within the said period the advertisement shall be deemed to have been printed strictly in accordance with the Advertiser’s instructions and the Advertiser shall not be entitled to make any claim thereafter in respect of that advertisement.
- Where the Advertiser has undertaken to supply insets which have been accepted and approved by the Publisher the Publisher reserves the right to charge the rate agreed if they fail to arrive at the agreed time and place for insertion.
- Where the Publisher provides a Reader Enquiry Service for the benefit of his readers, he shall not be contractually bound to pass such enquiries to the Advertiser.
- Cancellation or suspension of an insertion must be received in writing by the Publisher within the period specified by the appropriate individual publication or publications. Periods for the acceptance of cancellations or suspensions vary in accordance with differing production requirements, and are usually eight weeks for colour advertisements or six weeks for monochrome advertisements.
- Copy must be supplied by the Advertiser or his agent without application from the Publisher, If copy instructions are not received by agreed ‘Copy Date’ no guarantee can be given that proofs will be supplied nor corrections made and the Publisher reserves the right to repeat the most appropriate copy.
- Advertisers’ property, artwork, film, etc., are held at Advertiser’s risk and should be insured by them against loss or damage from whatever cause. The Publisher reserves the right to destroy all artwork and film which has been in his custody for twelve months from the date of its late appearance.
- Any extra charges made by the printer with regard to late copy will be passed on at cost.
- Copy must be supplied without application from the Publisher and in the event of copy instructions not being received by the copy date the Publisher reserves the right to repeat the copy last used. The Publisher does not accept responsibility for changes requested by the Advertiser in dates of insertion and copy unless these are confirmed in writing in time for the changes to be made and are subject to advertisement space being available. The Publisher reserves the right to charge for any additional expense involved in such changes.
- Copy matter provided for journals printed by Litho and Photogravure must conform to the Publisher’s or Printer’s requirements and any additional work involved may be charged for.
- Any toning of type, nameplates or illustrations to meet with the approval of the printer and capable of being dealt with mechanically by the printers will be carried out free of cost to the Advertiser or his agent.
- Reasonable advertiser’s corrections such as price changes will be allowed providing the work is still at the bromide stage, but wholesale alterations to copy in proof will be charged for at cost.
- Providing copy is received by the stipulated copy date the Publisher will provide three proofs if it is practicable to do so. Any extra proofs will be charged for. One voucher copy will be provided to the source of order for each displayed advertisement published but the Publisher will also supply tear sheets if required. The Advertiser shall be responsible for the insurance of all blocks, artwork and other advertisement material delivered by him to the Publisher and the Publisher cannot accept any liability for any loss or damage.
- For the purpose of these conditions ‘Advertiser’ shall refer to the Advertiser or his agent and servants. ‘Advertisement’ shall include loose or other insets where appropriate. ‘Publisher’ shall refer to the Publisher or his agent and servants.
- These conditions and all other expressed terms of the contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England.
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